Evaluation Procedures and Required Level of Achievement

The following programs receive Satisfactory Progress Evaluations in both attendance and academics.

Cosmetology 1500 clock hours
Instructor 250 clock hours
Instructor 500 clock hours
Esthetics 600 clock hours

The Satisfactory Progress Evaluation will occur when students reach the following actual hours and academic weeks: 

Program Name 1st SAP Evaluation Period Ends 2nd SAP Evaluation Period Ends 3rd SAP Evaluation Period Ends
(20 hour schedule)
450 actual hours and 23 weeks 900 actual hours and 45 weeks 1200 actual hours and 60 weeks
(30 hour schedule)
450 actual hours and 15 weeks 900 actual hours and 30 weeks 1200 actual hours and 40 weeks
Instructor (500 hr.)
(30 hour schedule)
250 actual hours and 9 weeks    
Instructor (250 hr.)
(30 hour schedule)
125 actual hours and 5 weeks    
(30 hour schedule)
300 actual hours and 10 weeks    

(20 hour schedule)

300 actual hours and 15 weeks    

The first evaluation will occur no later than the midpoint of the academic year. The SAP evaluations are completed within seven (7) school business days of the student reaching the evaluation points.

At the end of each evaluation period, the school will determine if the student has maintained at least 85% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the course which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will graduate within the maximum 117.65% time frame allowed.

The following grading system is used to evaluate a student’s academic ability:

  1. Examinations are given in all subjects. 
  2. If a student receives an UnSatisfactory Academic Progress Evaluation, the Future Professional Advisor will meet in person with the student, the evaluation will be reviewed and signed by the student acknowledging their unsatisfactory status. The evaluation is maintained in the student’s financial file. The Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluation will reflect if the student’s evaluation will impact the students eligibility for Financial Aid. The student may request to review their Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluation from the Financial Services Leader or Future Professional Advisor. 

The following grading scale is used for theory progress:

A = 90 – 100%            B = 80 – 89%            C = 75 – 79%            Failing = Below 75%

Practical skills are graded by instructor approval in CourseKey Skills Tracker or guest ticket.  A signature from an instructor represents a passing grade which means all elements of the practical grading criteria were met. No signature indicates a failing score which means one or more of the practical grading criteria elements were not met and the student has not met minimum satisfactory standards on the practical application. Students are required to continue and/or repeat the practical application until they receive a signature from an instructor.

*The school uses a 900-hour academic year for Title IV purposes.

20 schedule = 45 academic weeks
30 schedule= 30 academic weeks
35 schedule = 26 academic weeks